CIKI様をこよなく愛する日本ファンダム CIKIはソウルを拠点に活動するシンガーソングライター。 ローファイでメロウなR&Bサウンドに乗せ、 都会に生きる人々の孤独を歌う。(出典:Apple Music) A unique fusion of retro and contemporary, the city of Seoul is special in its own way. Born and raised in Seoul, musician CIKI and his music resembles Seoul in many ways. CIKI’s calm and passive voice brings comfort to the listeners like one of the safest cities in the world, Seoul. While his lo-fi tones with vintage vibes along with the hipness of the present Euljiro area, CIKI’s attention to detail with perfect precision in production resembles academic fervor of Gangnam area. CIKI especially puts emphasis on musically portraying loneliness and depression of a citizen of Seoul. CIKI’s ‘Seoulful’ sounds represent the cultures of Seoul, with the new genre ‘Seoul-pop’. (出典:Spotify)